Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is Daniel Henks about?

First let me say welcome to my blog. A year ago you would have never gotten me to do this but as you will see, much about me has changed.

This is not a blog to promote Daniel Henks, this is a blog to promote the message of Jesus Christ and what He has done in my life. My goal is for this to be a source of encouragement for many and a continual testimony of the grace and mercy God has shown me.

A brief summary of me and then I will begin my new adventure!

I am the owner of Earth Effects Lawn & Landscape and M&E Management.

I am the proud husband of a beautiful and Godly woman, Sarah and I am the blessed father of two beautiful girls, Mackenzie and Ellie. One of the greatest things that has made me who I am is my family. I can honestly say today that I love my wife more than I ever have before and in this day and age, that is quite something. It is, however, not by my strength that I say that, it is by the grace of God!

I enjoy so many things but they are so different from what they used to be. If you remember me from way back, you would probably say I had a cool truck or that I have always had the coolest of the things I am in to- well, you will soon see what has changed. I now value the eternal things and the more fullfilling things of life. Once it was image and materialism, now it is serving and blessing others. Once it was stuff, now it is people. Once it was pride, now it is being humbled each day.

I believe I have finally snapped to realizing what being a Godly man should be. I am a long way from it (closer than before) but heading in the right direction.

When you realize that the things this world values are worthless, you realize that people and relationships are the only things that matter and that you can take with you to heaven.

Some might say that I have become emotional or touchy-feely, but I feel called to speak out to my fellow men and lead by example. I want to leave a trail of my experiences that others can see. My prayer is that my experiences and life changes will help you in your walk.

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