Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family Matters Most

It has been a while since I have posted. In that time I have gone through a whirlwind of things. To be honest, I am ashamed of some things. I have strayed away from what I know is right and lost focus of many of the things in my previous posts. I think I have been running from some things I know to be true and unwilling to let God have complete control of some areas of my life. I am so blessed to have such a godly wife and wonderful support who has encouraged me. I am just ashamed that I have not been that to her like I should have been.

Recently God has been working very hard to get my full attention and that is really what I want to share. A few weeks ago my wife said something to me that struck me as odd. It was odd that I, Daniel, was hearing this from my wife. I am a good guy and always there for my family and working hard for them. What the problem is , I somehow let things enter my life and come back that had changed who I was and what I was becoming. It pearced my heart like an arrow and was the beginning of this abrupt turn in my life. Shortly thereafter I heard the song "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real that talks about how my wife and children want me to lead and it is my job to protect, give them security and not only lead them but lead them as God desires. I can't do that by being more worried about myself or by being selfish. It is my job to lay down my life for them; not just in the literal sense but daily as I lead them to follow God with all their heart.

Last week there was a speaker at our church named Robert Rogers. Seven years ago he lost his entire family in a flash flood accident within moments. When faced with this unimaginable circumstance he had a choice to make and he trusted God's complete power and plan for his life. I thought- "if he can do that then I can certainly live better than I am". I started reading his book and it has changed me. What most hit me though was the statement on the back of his bookmark. It reads- "Cherish your Children. Work to Live. Don't Live to Work. No one is guaranteed tomorrow."- Robert Rogers

I was at kids camp most of this week and boy oh! boy was God working on me! When I read that I broke down completely. I am a man of living to work and had been missing the boat. All of the sudden it seemed real- all that has been going on in my house was because of my selfish leadership. My kids were becoming different (not in a good way) and my wife was feeling like I was leaving her in behind and had developed anxiety because of it. I have been hurting her and really not even seeing it. My attitude had changed. I wasn't even excited about our baby boy that is on his way and that was hurting her too. Sure, I faked it, but I wasn't genuinely excited. How sad is that! Well, God had in His plan for my life to wake me up to this and I am so grateful. I, by His grace, am not going to be one of those guys that goes down this path and finds himself leaving his wife and scarring the future of his kids as so many do. God has clearly called me to be different in ever sense of the word. I dropped to my knees and got right with God for so many things. Before I could even get up it was like I had a new mission in life and my family was first. We would live for and follow God's plan no matter what that meant from this day forward and I knew it would not be easy. I have seen God working in our lives for years now and it is all leading somewhere that I do not know yet.

If I had to say at this point what my future holds- I couldn't. But, I know it isn't going to be what I think. It have had the misconception that I should know where I am going to be in 5 years but was set straight through a series of events these past few weeks. I have lost my desire for the material and wordly stuff in the way I have had it. Is it nice- sure! Would I give every single thing of it up to do God's Will for my life- IN A HEARTBEAT! I am not joking.

I came home from camp and committed a new relationship to my family and God that I have never done before. I have focused on doing things just about the opposite of what I have been doing and it has already made an impact. Somehow through all of this God has burnt a desire for my wife and kids in my life that is hard to put into words.

I am His and will follow His direction. By the grace and power of God I hope I can be an encouragement to everyone around me and be the husband and father that my family deserves. What more is there in life that counts in the end?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Have you ever been in complete awe of God's love for us, His children? Not just the knowledge of what He did when He sent His son Jesus to the cross for us but experienced a moment when it was so real that it broke your heart? If you have not I pray that you do.

I titled my blog "My Journey" because that is exactly what I have been on in my life and, no doubt, will be for some time to come. In fact, we all are. The question is, is it your journey or God's? For quite some time, it was mine and I always wondered why things were so hard all the time. Even when things were going great- there was always a "wall" and it hurt when I hit it. There have been some hard years in my past that completely drained me and the only reason I am here today is by the grace of God. I know I have a purpose and it is not for Daniel Henks' will to be done...that's for sure.

Many years ago I started my own business and like most business owners I had lofty ideas of where I wanted to end up. Over the years it felt like on paper everything was there for me to grow and be very successful but it just never worked. Year after year it seemed harder to climb that hill until one day (with the help of several bad decisions) I just wanted to give up. Thank God I had many people around me who prayed for me and even helped me through it. I still look back at that fog and wonder how I got through? I wish I could say that I immediately started making right decisions and everything was great from there out but that is not the case. I am human and hadn't quite gotten to the point of complete brokeness yet.

Flash forward a couple of years- One day while on a mission trip in Jamaica I was sitting in a room talking with a good friend. That friend said something that will never leave me and has changed my life from that day on. He really didn't even know it was so profound because I am convinced that God said it through him as a pivitol moment in my life that would change my mindset from that day forward.

I asked this friend- "Why is it that no matter how hard I try I cannot get my business to grow past a certain point no matter what I try? On paper and logically everything is there but it just won't get back to the point of my highest year. Why would I get to that point and then start sliding and not even understand why? My friend simply replied- "Maybe God allowed you to get to that point so you could see what it is like and never want to go back because He has other things for you?" Now I know that might not sound profound to some of you but to me it was the "lightbulb moment"! I don't think I even slept that night because I was trying to comprehend all the avenues of where that could go.

Since that day, my focus changed. I do not give the credit to my friend (allthough I will never stop saying thank you for his friendship and his willingness to be used by God). I give all credit to my Heavenly Father who was looking out for me and saying to me that He has a different plan for me.

Amazingly! I have been more successful while working less hours and focusing my life on more important things such as my wife and girls, friends, family, church, Jamaica missions, encouraging others, getting out of debt and more than anything, God! It is a continual battle each day but God is using me for greater things and I will take NO credit for it. I clearly believe that if God gave me a talent He meant for it to be used to further His Kingdom and not to become prideful and say "look what I can do".

When I started this post about being amazed it was simply to say that each day I am amazed at what God has done but this particular day it was a little different for me. The past few days (probably longer) I have been a little too focused on me and my feelings and such and have been very aggrivated at myself about it. I haven't been very nice to my wife and last night she called me out on it. It was dis-heartening because that is not what I am about anymore. I still woke up this morning focused on myself and what I wanted today- that didn't end well. Once the family left and I was alone working, I got angry with myself and how I allowed satan to push the one of a few buttons in my life that are still strongholds...selfishness and pride. I am convinced that satan only bothers me when I am being effective for Christ in some way. He knows that if he can pull that one leg out from underneath my chair- everything will fall. That is what struck me this morning and then the grace and love that our God has for us to send His Son to free us from the penalty for being selfish and prideful and everything else. No matter what satan's plans he will not win and I pray more than anything that I will not let him grab hold of that chair leg. I have way to many people and wonderful things in my life that allowing that to happen could ruin. Just look at any of the dozens of public figures this has happend to. They were on top of the world and then that one little thing caused it all to crumble.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is Daniel Henks about?

First let me say welcome to my blog. A year ago you would have never gotten me to do this but as you will see, much about me has changed.

This is not a blog to promote Daniel Henks, this is a blog to promote the message of Jesus Christ and what He has done in my life. My goal is for this to be a source of encouragement for many and a continual testimony of the grace and mercy God has shown me.

A brief summary of me and then I will begin my new adventure!

I am the owner of Earth Effects Lawn & Landscape and M&E Management.

I am the proud husband of a beautiful and Godly woman, Sarah and I am the blessed father of two beautiful girls, Mackenzie and Ellie. One of the greatest things that has made me who I am is my family. I can honestly say today that I love my wife more than I ever have before and in this day and age, that is quite something. It is, however, not by my strength that I say that, it is by the grace of God!

I enjoy so many things but they are so different from what they used to be. If you remember me from way back, you would probably say I had a cool truck or that I have always had the coolest of the things I am in to- well, you will soon see what has changed. I now value the eternal things and the more fullfilling things of life. Once it was image and materialism, now it is serving and blessing others. Once it was stuff, now it is people. Once it was pride, now it is being humbled each day.

I believe I have finally snapped to realizing what being a Godly man should be. I am a long way from it (closer than before) but heading in the right direction.

When you realize that the things this world values are worthless, you realize that people and relationships are the only things that matter and that you can take with you to heaven.

Some might say that I have become emotional or touchy-feely, but I feel called to speak out to my fellow men and lead by example. I want to leave a trail of my experiences that others can see. My prayer is that my experiences and life changes will help you in your walk.